Category Archives: covid diaries

Hello Again


Misstranger here.

It’s been almost six years since any of us posted in here and what do you know, the world right now as we know it is in the middle of a pandemic thanks to a teeny-weeny virus called COVID-19. Add to that a splash of local troubles to taste. Troubles that make one just want to bang their head on the wall every time a news bit comes out. Not going to enumerate them here since we all have other sources to get them from, real or fake. How sad.

What a time to be alive, yeah?

Exciting times indeed.

Sharing here a video of the early days of the lockdown in Metro Manila. This is just one of the many similarly-created videos during the time that the world shut down earlier this year. And just like the others, this has a sombre, yet powerful quality to it.

As of now, Metro Manila is in extended General Community Quarantine or GCQ. Which to me only means that everything just went back to the old normal in terms of volume of vehicles plying the streets of the metro.

Stay safe, y’all. Wear your masks and wash your hands. Not too hard to do, anyone can do these with their eyes closed.

No need to overthink that.